Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New York City at Christmas time

I love:
-The smell of chesnuts from the street carts
-Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate
-christmas decorations EVERYWHERE! Even the shady taxi hubs have Christmas decorations!
-Salvation army people ringing the can get annoying, but damn those people stand there for hours and just to raise money for others who need it! I LOVE THAT!
-The smell of Christmas candles
-Random people wearing christmas sweaters and santa hats
-The occasional act of kindness in a store.( this is not very often as New Yorkers push and shove and fight to the death for everything this time of the year)
-exchanging small gifts with friends
-the excuse to eat chocolate and other very fatty foods...I take this to a whole new level and now that I've gotten into's bad.
-Christmas parties with friends! I love seeing everyone get hammered in the spirit of Christmas...Makes the baby Jesus cry, but it's fun.
-Christmas music everywhere I go.

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