Thursday, September 08, 2005

NYC Guy Profile #5: Pee'd on... No, it's not that dirty minds!

Age: 30
Height: 6'0
Appearance: average and super super preppy, I'm talking suede driving shoes preppy people!
Eyes: brown/ hazel
Living situation: lives in a two bedroom in Murray Hill with hated roommate
Career: works for a small Indie label

Meeting Synopsis: you meet for a date. He waits for you outside your building and you take two insane dogs to the dog run. He walks the crazy little wire terrier while wearing a pink and green striped shirt...looking a little gay huh? yeh...well, he tried. So there you are...walking two little dogs to the dog run. You get there all is fine, until a dog pee's all over your leg...what do you do? what do you do? Do you cry? do you freak out? uhmmm...errr... a DOG JUST PEE'D ON YOUR LEG!!!! MOTHER OF PEARL! So he runs and gets a bottle of water to help you wash it off and on you go with your date. You then drop the dogs off and go to dinner, where he proceeds to get a call from his brother announcing his engagement, followed by a slew of phone calls from everyone else in the family..."Super!" you say, because really, what the hell else are you going to say, "no you can't talk to your family because you're on a date." yeh for about an hour he's on the phone celbrating, but he soon rejoins the date...thank god! Apres dinner you head to play a little golf, where to you play dumb a little so he can show you how to hit...hmmm...this is an eternal you play dumb and let his ego have a go or do you show him you rock at driving a ball???!!! questions questions? So you play it cool, he's happy, you're happy, everyone is now happy! you leave and go back to your place to watch a movie and make out a little bit. You then tell him he's not getting laid...nice huh? hehehehe uhmmm yehh... he leaves and says he'll call you tomorrow. Note: NEVER TRUST A GUY WHO TELLS YOU HE'S GOING TO CALL YOU TOMORROW! HE'S NOT!

Deal Breaker: It had to be the pee...seriously, the pee. Otherwise there's no excuse! So the thing you learn from this date is...well, see I don't know what you learn from this other than you think you have a good date and then you're left hanging...someone please figure this one out for me...Thanks!

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