Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I have a problem with...

Celebrities. No seriously, I have a huge problem with the way our current society finds the lives of these extremely ordinary people fascinating. I hate how we send them free stuff all the time. I think their constantly changing hairstyles, increasingly tacky new styles, and drastic weight gain and loss are simply absurd. If I hear anymore about who wore or didn't wear underwear to so and so's dumb ass party at some lame ass club in some other city, I might puke.

It used to be fun to read about them in the paper in page six and so on, but I feel like it's been taken to a whole new level. ALl we see on TV are shows about how rich they are and what they buy. We structure the way we look around "trends" dictated by asshole stylists from freakin bum fuck nowhere who all of a sudden woke up one day and said, "I think I'm going to be a stylist, yep, that's it...I have style." and Voila! You have someone now who thinks that they know clothing. And from that develops "style," like that of Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan...or lack thereof. And yet, we still send them shit. I just had to put together the most adorable gift pack for one of these immature arrogant little bitches. She's getting a new bikini, fabulous bag and of course other fun little things. Does she deserve it? No. Does she deserve a good kick in the pants and some serious therapy, as in being sent to Uzbekistan for 3 months with no toilet paper...yes.

I'm sorry, I'm just venting because this weekend I realized that I live my life as if I have a lot of money and I find myself carrying the same bags as these stupid celeb bitches and wearing the same shoes, but I don't have that kind of money. But I feel like everything I read and watch and listen to is about money and so many people have so much of it. It's not like I read everyday how people are starving on the street, no it's about another ass rich kid crashing his car into something and how he's going to get an even bigger and more expensive one this time! It's about what billionaire bought what yacht from another billionaire, who now wants to focus his attention on discovering outerspace... I just don't get it...when did we become so shallow?

When did we allow the media to bury us in a constant flow of celebrity garbage?! I don't care who threw what party in Miami or if Britney passed out because she's a schmuck...I mean, for the love of GOD the top story was NOT our former president Ford dying...it's was James Brown! And as much as I respect the man...he wasn't president of this country!

So as we enter 2007 I think my New Years resolution is going to be to stop reading and listening to all this crap about how much money celebs have and who puked on who at last nights party. I think I'm going to focus my attention on the people around me and how even though they might not drive around in a Bentley and summer on a yacht in St. Tropez, they are still fabulous.


Anonymous said...

Don't fucking let the bullshit you see on the E! channel and all those other crap channels that are celeb devotees tell you what to wear or buy! F them! Live within your own means and enjoy your own style. Having VH1 Best Celebrity Styles Ever dictate what you should wear and carry your excess shit in is not the way to go.

By the way, I LOVE your blog. You seem to groovy to feed into Hollywood BS! Don't feed into the machine!

Anonymous said...

That's so funny ... one of my New Year's resolutions (that will start with my new job) is to stop reading celebrity blogs! Such garbage, so many important things to be reading ... and actually try to stop reading blogs in general. Except for yours of course :)


Madame Pinot said...

A-effing-MEN!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't have said it better myself.

i agree with you 100%. i'm actually speechless at what you said b/c i agree with it so very much. it pisses me off that little girls are thinking they have to starve themselves b/c of c**** like lindsay lohan.

i think that if we stopped buying into the crap they are selling, we'd all be better off.

love it, love it, love it!!

GrewUpRural said...

Beautiful post! Couldn't have said it any better.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Loved it all and agree with it all!


LemonDrop said...

I completely agree with what you're saying. People have begun to make shrines to celebrities. Why is it that we celebrate these people? I too hate it when they make tv shows based on how these people live their lives in the lap of luxury. It makes me want to poke out my eyes with a dull pencil.
Unfortunately, it is all around us, and in NYC you get a huge dose of it. I remember when I was there, all I could think about was whether I looked trendy or not. Weird huh.

Anonymous said...

So, I know I'm late to the game, but I just stumbled across your blog this is a fabulous post! The feeling of inadequacy that I get after reading US Weekly (or whatever mag like that) is ridiculous and unfounded. Not to mention a waste of $4! I like your New Years resolution of cutting that shit out and focusing on reality. Kudos to you!

P.S. I'm going to add you to my blogroll just so I can come back and read in the future. I hope you don't mind. :o)

Anonymous said...

I think you watch too much TV and read too many ad-heavy magazines. Life is not about what you wear, or how much $ you spend.

"Snob in the city" is a funny title. Too bad it's an unfortunate truth.