Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sometimes everything just feels like it's so tough to do, right?

I mean it's not like I'm sick or have any major injuries...I just feel like it's hard to walk up a flight of stairs! Ok, I'll start over...I'm sore...very sore. I feel like every step I have to take requires 75% of my energy and that's just way to much to give to take one step. Yes, it's completely my fault for pushing my body to places it hasn't been since I was 17, but come on!

THEN! work is pretty crazy, because I was gone for 3 days and we all know what happens when you leave work...the world actually doesn't stop working, and so you have to catch up to all the bullshit that has been put into play while you were gone. And then throw in some Jury duty and you're left with a big pile of crap. Oh wait, that's right...I got up at the ass crack of dawn this morning, schlepped my butt down to the court house only to have them tell me that court was closed today and tomorrow so I'd have to reschedule...what the hell is that all about!? I reallize many people might be happy about this, but this is my 3rd time heading down there to try to serve...and now I had to postpone again till January! BOOOOOOOO!

So here I am, now feeling guilty because I dropped my dog off this morning with the sitter and didn't go back for him even though jury duty was cancelled, because I just need a break from walking. I am super tired already and it's only 10:30am, I have no clean clothing because I haven't done laundry in about 3 weeks, my apartment is being taken over by mice, yes you heard me...mice.I think there are about 5 of them currently running around shitting everywhere and there's nothing I can do about it because I have a little dog that LOVES glue traps and will def get his nose chopped off in an old school trap. So I think I'm running away for the night. I really think I might head out to jersey for the night to just escape what has become my current living situation.

And then finding a new apartment for Ken and I to live in is turning out to be tougher than I had tried to delude myself into believing it would be. I always knew it wouldn't be an easy process, having been through the coop purchase before, but I just kind of forgot about how bad it really was and started to think about things like couches and wall colors. Now, as I look at apartments and immediately jump to the mortgage calculator, the whole thing has just lost its luster. It's like I don't care what anything looks like, as long as it has counter space in the kitchen and a big ass closet for all my stuff...and is pet friendly. Let me just say, if you have a dog, DO NOT GET EXCITED about apartment hunting. People! You'll find your dream apartment and then they'll tell you they only take cats. Lovely.

I realize this post is not filled with wedding planning happiness, but this week just feels insane to me. I saw ken last night after not seeing him since sunday night. He's had a hellish week as well...working till 4am and just not having a life outside of work all week. And then as soon as we have some time to just sit and chill, someone calls wanting something or a favor has to be done or I haven't called my mom in 2 days and I'm just waiting for the calls of guilt to come.

So let's hope this weekend is full of fun things and some down time.


Anonymous said...

I got rid of a lot of mice (sounds so gross, I know, but there was construction in the brownstone next door) using a humane trap. A green plastic catch-and-release trap that you can order online. They're dog friendly and pretty effective. Good luck!

The Team said...

sounds great! I will look ASAP! thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

Love your blog..just found it tonight.
You remind me of me when I was younger and living the city life....

Enjoy it! Every second of it.

If only I could figure out how to link you to my blog I would....please tell me how to do this. I have tried everything.

I think those who read mine would like yours.

Unknown said...

I just figured out how to add you to my that my readers can enjoy your blog. Hope you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

I think this has been a bad week for many people. I wonder if the weather has something to do with it? Testy coworkers, absentminded drivers, and on and on...I am glad it is the weekend!


*krystyn* said...

Hopefully you had a great relaxing weekend. Good luck in the apartment search!

The Team said...

Thanks for adding my link Beffer! So sweet of you!
The weekend was great and I really needed to relax and just spend time with Ken.
The mouse situation...well, sat morning there was one dead on a trap in my bedroom. I ordered the human trap but it hasn't arrived yet so till then I feel terrible but i have to catch them.

Anonymous said...

of course you had a hard time walking up the are a FAT FUCK...aka 400 lbs cow.

The Team said...

anonymous...honey at 5'11 I'd make 400lbs look good, but I'm not even half that so chill the fuck out:)

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