Thursday, August 17, 2006

To Tweeze or Not to Tweeze...

This morning in my rush to absorb as much of the NY Times as I could I came across an article that poses an interesting question. Granted the article about Singapore being the new haven for stem cell research, is much more newsworthy, but I've decided to go with the one that touches upon a topic a little closer to our hearts at the moment...our eyebrows.

I love how the media and fashion world declare every start of fall season, Thicker is Better! But then what do you see on all the magazine covers and in real life? You see normal eyebrows! None of this bushy shit! Seriously, if I wanted to look like Groucho Marx I'd let them grow, but why would i want that?

I've seen girls with those brows...they are not cute. I don't care how trendy you think you's not cute! It's like wearing socks with sandals or heels to an outdoor grassy's not cute and it looks bad and out of place and even though you're sitting there thinking, "wow, I'm getting so much attention and people think I'm so cool," they're really not thinking that...

So then I ask myself, wow, someone really wants ladies to have these bushy brows because there's a full page article in the NY Times about it and how great it is...What sick PR firm did this? ANd what insane editor thought, "Sure, I'll write about thick eyebrows today." Seriously, I don't get it. Ok so now there are products that can make your brows grow faster and stronger... But I have to go back to the question, WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT!!!!?

I realize this isn't an earth shattering topic, but I keep seeing this season after season and it makes me crazy because it makes me think we've lost all sense of creativity...


Anonymous said...

Maybe they're trying to stop all those women who pluck their whole eyebrow off then draw it back on about four inches higher?

That is the only excuse I can come up with though

Anonymous said...

Why are are you worried about tweezing when you weigh 300 pounds? Put down the ham sandwich there, Fatty McFatovich.
Hugs and Kisses,
Vic Colfari