Tuesday, May 30, 2006

And there you have it!

I always knew that chocolate was the best thing ever...I just knew it! And here's why...not only does it taste amazing and smell heavenly, but it also makes you smarter. That's right, you heard me...it makes you SMARTER!

According to Reuters, after comsuming chocolate and then waiting 15 min "Composite scores for verbal and visual memory were significantly higher for milk chocolate than the other conditions," Raudenbush told Reuters. And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time."

I love milk chocolate! I love all kinds of chocolate and my now chocolate addiction is completely validated! I must eat chocolate to stay on top of my game...

check out the article:http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/05/24/chocolate.brain.reut/index.html

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