I've lost touch with what's going on in this city, and I'm only reminded every couple hours by phone calls and emails from editors and jewelry designers asking if I have tickets for shows, what shows are we doing, and my favorite...can you use some of my stuff in your shows??? And to all of them I answer NO! NO, NO, NO, NO!!! And I do it with a huge freakin smile on my face! It's fabulous!
It's funny, because when I first started working with fashion week, I was thrilled! I thought it was so cool to get dressed up and go to the tents and wander around, pushing the limits to how far in I could get before someone realized I had no money
and I was a lowly PR assistant just trying to fit in. I was so excited by the models, editors, celebrities...giftbags! What the hell was wrong with me! My first fashion show was the Baby Phat show, when baby phat was THE show to go to, and I actually sat front row next to Beyonce and thought I was very chic and cool...Oh wow...again, what was wrong with me! I had no place being there, because these shows are meant for editors and buyers!!!
I did a few shows last season (I can only remember as far back as last season,but I've done so many over the past 3 years it's really just insane) The first two went smoothly, probably because we had tons of help from other amazing PR people,but the last one and smallest one was the most difficult because everyone in their mother wanted a seat! Seriously, just because you sponsored the hair ties that are being used in the show, doesn't mean that The Daily editor must now sit second row...STANDING ROOM ONLY!...This is the shit I can't deal with. Also, the "friends of the designer." I mean, really...If you are that good friends, just go to the showroom and check out the collection. That's what this is all about! THE COLLECTION!
Anyway, all week I've been so calm and relaxed and except for the few emails and calls from friends mentioning tickets for shows, the flip over the Full Frontal Fashion network, and then streams of people exiting the Marc Jacobs show right next to my apt, but overall it's been smooth sailing. ONE MORE DAY and they all leave for Europe! well, there's coterie first... I hate to sound so just turned off by fashion week, but the thing is for those on the outside, it's cool, fun, chic, sexy, exciting...For those on the inside, it's a time of pure exhaustion, no sleep, no glamour, tired and hurting feet, low tolerance for stupidity and a craving so huge for a slice of chocolate cake and a comfy bed! I swear in this case, ignorance is total bliss! I was on the subway yesterday afternoon and there were two younger editors heading downtown for a show, coming from the tents, and they looked so sad...and I felt their pain and just wanted to invite them over for some coffee, but I knew they had no choice. This is their job and they have to hit check in table after check in table, hoping they get a seat, because, "SO and so's aunt's cousin's nanny, " needs a seat.
So now that I've gotten that off my back...we can discuss wedding stuff!
We looked at our first venue last night...
Peter White Studios.
It was so cool! Views of the statue of Liberty, the Verazano bridge in one direction and then the skyline and the water in the other direction. the windows are incredible and the space can be made into anything we imagine! Take a look at the site...it's just fantastic!
We have a bunch of appointments lined up over the next coupld weeks, so I'll def keep posting the different venues.